Pray With Us

Join our daily prayer and submit your prayer requests.

Praise and Prayer Bulletin

There are students with a clear vision and passion for missions who find it challenging to cater for themselves, not to talk of paying their school fees.

They survive on the little show of kindness from colleagues and the school. It takes 91,000 naira apart from feeding to train a student.

Pray that God will raise regular financial support for the upkeep and training of every student.

Pray for all our trainers that God will protect them in all their journeys and keep them in perfect health.

Ask that the Lord will open the door of utterance to them to declare the mystery of Christ as they lecture in the school and elsewhere.

We are reaching out to the children through children’s Bible clubs and the students through school fellowships.

Pray that God will crown our labour with abiding souls. Amen.

Ask God, who declared in Haggai 2:8, “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine”, to touch His stewards to give joyfully for the diaspora work in accordance with His will.

Pray that spiritual strongholds that keep the northern migrants from the faith will crumble and for protection of labourers from enemy attacks (2 Corinthians 10:4–5). Amen.

Pray for favour and acceptance by the younger generation and local leaders.

Pray for open doors to holding the Parousia Conferences in different locations.

Pray for volunteers to help out in the office and that God will lay that burden in the hearts of selected ones.

Pray for divine provision to fund the activities of the department.